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Jelena Radović’s Quarantine Notes: I miss the busy Jelena
We asked women with disabilities what their daily life looks like during the pandemic. What they go through from morning to evening, what activities keep them busy, what do they talk about with themselves or […]
Zabeleške iz karantina Jelene Radović: Nedostaje mi leteća Jelena
Pitali smo žene s invaliditetom kako žive tokom pandemije. Šta proživljavaju od jutra do večeri, kojim aktivnostima ispunjavaju vreme, o čemu razgovaraju same sa sobom ili sa ukućanima, šta se sve promenilo u njihovoj dnevnoj […]
Zabeleške iz karantina Jasne Grizer: Umeće življenja u sadašnjosti
Pitali smo žene s invaliditetom kako žive tokom pandemije. Šta proživljavaju od jutra do večeri, kojim aktivnostima ispunjavaju vreme, o čemu razgovaraju same sa sobom ili sa ukućanima, šta se sve promenilo u njihovoj dnevnoj […]
Jasna Grizer’s Quarantine Notes: The skill of living in the present
We asked women with disabilities what their daily life looks like during the pandemic. What they go through from morning to evening, what activities keep them busy, what do they talk about with themselves or […]
Branka Miličić-Barbul: Pandemija nas primorava da jasnije i otvorenih očiju uvidimo probleme sa kojima nismo želeli ili mogli da se suočimo
Branka Miličić-Barbul po profesiji je psiholog, radi kao savetnica u psihodrami i psihoterapeut pod supervizijom u integrativnoj psihoterapiji. Istorija njenog školovanja uključuje i grafički dizajn, sociologiju, filozofiju i dramu u vaspitanju. Dugo godina se bavi […]
Jelena Rašić’s Quarantine Notes: There’ll be plenty of everything
We asked women with disabilities what their daily life looks like during the pandemic. What they go through from morning to evening, what activities keep them busy, what they talk about with themselves or other […]
Zabeleške iz karantina Jelene Rašić: Biće svega
Pitali smo žene s invaliditetom kako žive tokom pandemije. Šta proživljavaju od jutra do večeri, kojim aktivnostima ispunjavaju vreme, o čemu razgovaraju same sa sobom ili sa ukućanima, šta se sve promenilo u njihovoj dnevnoj […]
Marija Vrebalov Djordjević’s Quarantine Notes: Life is to be lived, even in unimaginably complicated circumstances
We asked women with disabilities what their daily life looks like during the pandemic. What they go through from morning to evening, what activities keep them busy, what they talk about with themselves or other […]
Zabeleške iz karantina Marije Vrebalov Đorđević: Život je da se živi, čak i u nezamislivo komplikovanim okolnostima
Pitali smo žene s invaliditetom kako žive tokom pandemije. Šta proživljavaju od jutra do večeri, kojim aktivnostima ispunjavaju vreme, o čemu razgovaraju same sa sobom ili sa ukućanima, šta se sve promenilo u njihovoj dnevnoj […]
Zabeleške iz karantina Ljilje Slišković: Vrijeme je da preispitamo sami sebe
Pitali smo žene s invaliditetom kako žive tokom pandemije. Šta proživljavaju od jutra do večeri, kojim aktivnostima ispunjavaju vreme, o čemu razgovaraju same sa sobom ili sa ukućanima, šta se sve promenilo u njihovoj dnevnoj […]
Ljilja Slišković’s Quarantine Notes: It’s time to reexamine ourselves
We asked women with disabilities what their daily life looks like during the pandemic. What they go through from morning to evening, what activities keep them busy, what they talk about with themselves or other […]
Milesa Milinković’s Quarantine Notes: What can I do as an individual, so we don’t end up like Gilead from the Handmaid’s Tale?
We asked women with disabilities what their daily life looks like during the pandemic. What they go through from morning to evening, what activities keep them busy, what they talk about with themselves or other […]